
POE Meeting graphicPeace Game January Meeting

Join us and David Gershon in this meeting to learn about the Peace on Earth vision and how you can participate.  This organizational meeting will be on January 15th, 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Unity of East Louisville or you can join via a Zoom meeting.

Click here for more information and to register for the meeting.  Also, see below for more information about the Peace Game.



Peace  2030 logo

The Peace Game
 The “Peace Game” is part of a global effort called “Peace On Earth by 2030”.  Join us to help foster Peace in our world.
Click here for links to videos, a flier, and meeting sites detailing “Peace On Earth by 2030” and the "Game"





Spanish Yoga graphic

Love offering Basis


December Crystal Bowls graphic



Rebecca and Mickey Geracitano are planning on monthly Crystal Bowl Meditation ceremonies at Unity of East Louisville.

There is no longer any restriction for number of attendees, and registration is not required.

Suggested Love Offering of $10 - $15

Click here for Scheduled Dates and Themes






A Course in Miracles graphic




Are you interested in studying the wisdom of Jesus’ teachings?
Please join us on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm.

Love offering Basis

Click here for details, dates and locations 

Questions? Contact Kristin Kelly 502-418-6764.






Candlelight Sercice graphic

Holiday Candlelight Service

December 19 - 7:00 - 8:00

At Unity of East Louisville

Join us and bring your family and friends as we come together to celebrate the Holiday Season. Our theme for this year is “Rise Up in Harmony”.

Bring cookies to share!

Love offering Basis






Burning Bowl service graphic


Burning Bowl Ceremony

December  29th - 11:00 AM

The annual end of year Unity Burning Bowl Ceremony is an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you to make space for new beginnings. A fire ceremony is used with this release, which will allow you to step into the realm of possibility and become ready to experience your unlimited good.






White Stone service graphic


White Stone Celebration

January 5th - 11:00 AM

As you hold your white stone in your hand, know that you are starting with a clean slate.  In this ceremony we are doing two things.  We are choosing our white stones and we are also writing on the stone a new name, or word for ourselves.  “The white stone is an ancient ritual.  Back in the time when Jesus was teaching and someone served time in prison or bondage of any kind, they were given a white stone when they were released.  Each of us comes from bondage today, and we are being given a white stone to signify our freedom. Everyone is invited to bring a friend to this service.





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Integral Christianity graphic


Small Group Book Study/ Integral Christianity

The intention of this book study to help you to evolve your faith and spirituality.

There will be three different group book studies to accommodate different schedules.  All sessions will run for 7 weeks and will be held at the church. You can choose which one you want to attend.

Love offering Basis

Click here for a the sessions, the book we will use, and to register





Drumming graphic

Shamanic Drumming

This is an introduction to Shamanic Drumming; it is limited to 15 people.

It is offered the last Monday of each month, starting April 29  6:15 - 7:30pm - click below or see calendar for changes

Love offering Basis

Click here more more details and to register.




Peace on Earth prayer circle logo

First Tuesday of the month,  1-2PM ET
Join us for the Legion of Light which is about the power of collective prayer for Peace on Earth. 

Click here for details and to register.




=We want you graphic

We Need You!

We have many Ministries that need volunteer help.  

Click here to see if any speak to you or to volunteer.





Last Friday Lunch GraphicWomen's Lunch on the last Friday

The women's lunch is now on the last Friday of each month.

The August lunch location and time are to be determined.

Come have some fun and and connect with your Unity friends.  

Reserve your place for the Last Friday Lunch by signing up in the rear of  the church or call Kathy Schmidlin.  




Sunday Energy Exchange  graphic


If you are in need of healing, you might want to join us on the first Sunday of each month after our regular church service 12:15 - 12:45 for a 

Sunday Energy Exchange

It will be held at Unity located at 740 Old Harrods Creek Rd in Louisville 

Energy Healers will join together to do hands-on energy healing, using various modalities such as Reiki, Chakra Healing, Quantum Healing, Touch Healing and Unity Prayer.  Individuals sign up for 10 minute sessions.

Love offering Basis

If you have questions, contact Rev. Valerie Mansfield, a Reiki Master  at




Beoming IN Lightened graphic


Sunday Morning Searching' s Class
9:15 a.m.

Becoming In-Lightened: "Clearing the Path to Spirituality" by Denise Ganulin

Are you seeking inner peace and a better way of handling all the challenges that you face? If you want something different from all the rest, this book will change your life and your perspective on dealing with any crisis or challenge that comes your way.