Living Through Change

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Living Through Change

Life unfolds through change, when we stand as love, individually and as a community, we empower ourselves and others to move with grace. We must learn to recognize our feelings and desires and take time to understand them and shift into loving ourselves. 
When we feel anxious, we must stop and take a deep cleansing breath. The breath allows us to shift our physical and mental bodies. The breathe is like putting empty space in your mind or body, allowing the tension and stress to melt away.  Three deep cleansing breaths can change our outlook and create  a new perspective, a new idea or a new way of living. 

What is your vision for the next three months. Are you willing to grow to be loving and peaceful? Are you willing to do the work to get to a loving peaceful state?

There is a quote by Heraclitus of Ephesus which I love, “Change is the one constant in life.” We are always changing, always growing. We get to choose how we are going to show up in life. We can show up stressed, anxious and mean. We can show up as loving, kind and fun. Which is appealing to  you? Which do you choose?

Never regret your past and please stop re-living it. Live in the now. Life is perfect just as it is, we get to learn and grow through divine law. The purpose of divine law is to raise our (humanities) consciousness. The unfoldment of the journey is merely the path we are walking to find happiness. 

Be the joy you want in your life. Be the love you are seeking. Kindness is a positive act of giving and you never know whose life you are impacting including your own. 

We all journey through hardships and fear. The physical body may not be as healthy as we might like. When you are at a crossroad or just crossing the street go within connect with your inner self. Your soul. Slow down, breathe, sit with yourself, offer yourself love, and forgiveness. Allow the light within to lead you to your heart, feel the love flowing healing energy and shift your whole being into a new dimension.

Let go of the past you cannot change it. You can ask for forgiveness and change your direction. Learn to laugh and be present in this moment. Listen to your thoughts, hear the words you are saying. Love yourself just as you are and now you are growing into a greater consciousness as love. 

Listen to your loved ones, hear the words they are saying. Know they are doing the best they can to live in the moment. 
Now, I invite you to take a deep breath and feel the energy move through your being with ease and grace, lighten the way for your understanding and unfoldment on your journey today and every day.  Remember you are blessed and a blessing in life. Breath deep and enjoy your day.

Blessings of Harmony and Love,
Rev. Valerie