A Peace on Earth Zone by David Gershon

A Peace on Earth Zone and the Art of World Building 

David Gershon 

A Peace on Earth (POE) Zone increases individual and community well being. It is created through a transformative process that weaves together the social fabric of a community enabling cooperation for the common good. It does this at the personal and organizational level by applying the seven transformative peace practices developed by playing the Peace Game – empowerment, oneness, unity, cooperation, abundance, love and faith. We call the journey of a community creating a Peace on Earth Zone “world building.”

Core to a POE Zone is the engagement of community members and organizations in the Peace Game. Establishing these peace practices among the community’s residents combined with empowering the civic, public and private sectors to cooperate for the common good is what transforms the community into a Peace on Earth Zone. 

A Peace on Earth Zone provides a pathway to the world humanity is deeply seeking. Who would not want to live in a community practicing empowerment, oneness, unity, cooperation, abundance, love and faith. Who would not wish to be around people and organizations operating with these peace practices? Who would not wish to benefit from the social good such a community is able to generate?

As our world deconstructs it becomes destabilized thus unmooring it from that which has kept it in place. It’s precisely because of this deconstruction that we find ourselves with a window for profound planetary transformation. This enables communities the opportunity, because of their agility, to evolve and construct a more enlightened world in its place. This is the impetus guiding the world building journey.

The term “world building” is usually used to describe the creation by a novelist, filmmaker or video game designer of an imagined world. Think Middle Earth. POE Zone world building also springs from our imagination, but it's asking a different question. What would our actual community look like if we could create it the way we most wanted it? It then provides the community with the world building tools to bring this vision into reality.

In imaginary world building there is always a magic applied to transform the basic rules that confine that world through some form of wizardry defined as a “seemingly magical transforming power or influence.” Same in real world building. In the case of a POE Zone the world building wizardry is attained through its transformative Peace Game actions and second order change methodology. 

Drawing upon the community’s unique culture, strengths and needs, each POE Zone uses these world building tools to transform itself into what it most wishes to become. This is a mysterious process whose actual form can’t be predicted. What can be known is that the Peace Game’s transformative practices combined with the imagination of its citizens will create a renaissance of social goodness enabling a culture of love, kindness and mutual respect to emerge. 

Those communities that embark on the Peace on Earth Zone creative journey are supported by a transformative leadership coaching and training program and a Peace Game Think and Do Tank. Each POE Zone also benefits from a global peace movement of like minded communities in 25 plus countries called Peace on Earth by 2030. The goal of this movement is to create 10,000 POE Zones across the planet and 40 million people playing the Peace Game by 2030 — the tipping point for achieving Peace on Earth!

Each Peace on Earth Zone is a world building laboratory for our planet. Each is building the world anew. Each is a stunning and wondrous expression of the future beckoning humanity. We invite you to join us. We have a beautiful world to build. 

David Gershon is co-founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute. In 1986 at the height of the Cold War, he conceived and organized the First Earth Run in partnership with the United Nations. A billion people witnessed a torch of peace encircle the planet. Wherever it went, wars stopped and people were united as one. Inspired and informed by this experience, David has architected the Peace on Earth by 2030 movement and its Peace Game and Peace on Earth Zone strategies. He is the author of 12 books including the best-selling Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It and award-winning Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World.

For More Information

David Gershon 